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Weekly Bulletin

Nov 21, 2021


Welcome back in the name of the Risen Lord Jesus Christ. If you are visiting, we are glad that you are here and kindly ask that you sign our guest book at the sanctuary doors. If you would like to become a member please speak to the Pastor. In case of illness, the Pastor should be informed. He will always be glad to speak with those who are confronted with problems of a spiritual nature. The time before worship is a quiet time for prayer and meditation to prepare for worship. Please see the inside cover of the hymnal for prayers and page 329f to prepare for Holy Communion. Communicant members are asked to sign the communion book at the entrance of the church.


In Repentance We Are Alert to the Coming of Christ 

The signs of the end are all around us, constant reminders that “heaven and earth will pass away.” But all of these signs are centered in the cross of Christ, whereby He has conquered sin and death, that we might be raised with Him in righteousness through His Word of the Gospel, which “will not pass away” (Mark 13:31). He is “the firstborn of the dead,” who in His great love “has freed us from our sins by his blood” (Rev. 1:5). His salvation is certain because “his dominion is an everlasting dominion” and His Kingdom “shall not be destroyed” (Dan. 7:14). For this purpose He came into the world, to reign in love through His voice of the Gospel, which is the truth (John 18:37). So is the righteousness of Christ “a light to the peoples,” which “will never be dismayed” because it is the justice of His cross and resurrection (Is. 51:4–6). As He “is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you blameless before the presence of his glory,” so wait upon “the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ that leads to eternal life” (Jude 20–24).


COVID 19 PROTOCOL FOR WORSHIP:  While we are here to rejoice in God’s house, we still have to follow the rules for social distancing; wearing a mask and sanitizing hands on your way in and out of church.  If you are wearing gloves, please dispose of them at home.  Please take your masks and bulletins home to limit exposure and the amount of recycling for the church.  A detailed description of worship guidelines is on the small table with the bulletin and offering plates.


Collect of the day:

Lord Jesus Christ, so govern our hearts and minds by Your Holy Spirit that, ever mindful of Your glorious return, we may persevere in both faith and holiness of living; for you live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.


ORDER OF SERVICE: Diving Service Setting Three page 184. (Sung)

                                                        The Introit is spoken by the Pastor


​READINGS:   : Daniel 7: 9-10, 13-14             Revelation 1: 4b-8                  Mark 13: 24 - 37


HYMNS: 659, 336, 658


Presiding Minister (P):  Rev. Jack Hetzel                                          Assisting minister (A) lay: Shane                                                                     

Sound System: Philip                                                                         Webmaster:  Michael

Secretary: Debby                                                                                Acolyte: Christine               


PRAYER INTERCESSIONS: Del and Laurie’s brother-in-law Ron Jones died; Irmgard (LH-O); Hans; Fran; Dennis (Whitby Rehab); Sherran; Anne; Ray; Bob; Aina’s son Eric, wife Lauren and her father.


For Friends and Fellow Christians: Frank (heart surgery); Doris (wife of Rev. Konny Hahn in palliative care); Marli; Alice; Berti; Terry (heart attack); Norma; Etelka’s mother; Marlene; Chris; Susan; Heather; George & Waldtraut; Mardelle; Corrina; Kathy; Annette; Marg’s nephew Joe and Michelle upon the death of their unborn daughter and her brother-in-law Dale (cancer). Mission Prayers for November: Rev Guillermo Zùniga Casado-of Granada; Rev. Hei Va-Cambodia; Deaconess Paubla Ermisenda Zapata-Nueva Gerusalén; Deaconess Srey Muay-Southeast Asia.


PRAYER REQUEST:  If you have any spiritual need for prayers, please call Pastor Hetzel at the office (905) 728-4381.  


ADVENT:  season is quickly upon us.  It starts next Sunday.  We need to hear the message of Advent now more than ever, which includes preparing for the Feast of Christmas through prayer and fasting and hearing about the Coming (Advent) of God’s Messiah.  The Advent Mid-week Services are offered to that end:  Wed. Dec. 1, 8, and 15 beginning at 7pm.  Come Quickly Lord Jesus!


ADVENT DINNER:  Church Council is planning a social distanced dinner for our members who are doubly vaccinated on Sat. Dec. 4 at noon with the meal served around 1pm.  If you would like to come, please call or email the church/pastor to save a place and help us to organize.  If there is not enough interest, it will be cancelled.  The provincial guidelines are now allowing us to hold such a dinner provided that we are fully vaccinated.


***VOTERS’ ASSEMBLY:  TODAY AFTER SERVICE.  The voters will meet in the nave after service and continue to social distance.  The 2022 budget will be presented as well as reports of our boards and committees.


REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE:  Please record any maintenance work in the trustees log on the wall by the office including details of the work done and the date.  Any receipts from contractors or inspection reports please copy so I can put in the maintenance manual. This will help the trustees in the future. Thank you, blessing, Debby


LADIES OF GRACE:  QUILTING:  We will not be starting up quilting at this time due to COVID 19 regulations.  We hope to start up again in the New Year, depending on Health regulations at that time.   Minnie Harfmann and Ann Cameron


EQUIPPING THE PRIESTHOOD OF ALL BELIEVERS…Issues, Etc. is a radio talk show and podcast produced by Lutheran Public Radio in Collinsville, IL and hosted by LCMS Pastor Todd Wilken.  This weeks teachings include: A Lutheran Response to 21st Century Culture, The Hymn “We Praise You, O God,” The Advent Season, Peter Confesses Jesus as the Christ and more.  You can listen on-demand at, the LPR mobile app and your favorite podcast provider.


GRACE AUTOMATED CALL SERVICE: is a computer generated program that delivers a message through the phone and computer.  The church number will be displayed.  If you wish not to receive these messages, please call the church office.  Thanks to those who donated it to keep everyone updated.


BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENTS:  Dates for events and bulletin inserts may be placed in the holder outside the office door, there will be no printed calendar at this time;   Bulletin items are due by Wednesday of each week.    You can email the info to


FOOD PANTRY: Thanks Dave and Lynn for taking some of the pantry to Daniel our seminary student..  Donations welcome, Please contact the office 905-728-4381 to see when someone will be in church if you need to drop off or pick up to deliver other than on Sunday.


REFERENCE MATERIALS:  We have a new reference booklet of who is who from LCC; “Together One”.  Please take a few moments over the next few Sundays to review our Church business and community bulletin board; and other resource materials on the tables/shelve and racks in the narthex.  Please take some home or give to a friend.


INDIVIDUAL HOLY COMMUNION:  during these days of separation from covid and illness or in any hunger of our Lord’s body and blood, you can make arrangements with Pastor to receive the Lord’s Supper.  Please call him at the church office.


This Week under Grace

Today (g)               9:00am                              Online Sunday School

                              9:30am                              Bible Class (downstairs)

                              10:30am                            Divine Service followed by Voters’ Assembly

Tuesday                4:00pm                              Sunday School meeting

Sunday (b)             9:00am                              Online Sunday School

                              9:30am                              Bible Class

                              10:30am                            Divine Service

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